Welcome to a series of #AutRes posts highlighting key findings of my Master’s research1 where I interviewed nonbinary autistic people about what future research about them should look like.

3. Research should look at ways forward.

  • Participants felt that research should focus on improving lives of autistic nonbinary people
  • They felt research that reconfirms the negative experiences of nonbinary autistic people was less helpful

Quotes from Charlotte Brooks' research question

Auto-generated description: Quotes from Charlotte Brooks' research participants discuss the empowerment of autistic individuals in research and the hope for reduced negative life events through increased understanding. *Quotes are transcribed verbatim from participants in Charlotte Brooks' research1

  1. Brooks, C. (2022) Exploring views on future directions of research involving nonbinary autistic people through lived experience. Master’s Dissertation. University of Birmingham. Available at: https://etheses.bham.ac.uk/id/eprint/13703/ (Accessed: 17 July 2024). ↩︎