My amazing partner,, has made me my very own website at!

🔬 I plan to post about my PhD and research
📲 The site will also bring together my social media profiles, so everything is in one place (with a bit of tech magic)

Check out for a laugh 🪿

I’m helping to run the online event this year. I usually go in person, and it’s such an amazing experience.

Teachers and LGBT allies, please consider responding to the UK government’s proposed changes to guidance for RSHE in schools. Many of the changes are concerning, but most worrying are moves to ban teaching about gender identity in schools and make teaching about LGB families optional. The consultation closes on 11th July

🔗Link to a guide to responding to the consultation:

🔗Link to the consultation:

It was great to see some policy recommendations for a positive focus on sexual and gender diversity with autistic youth and adults by @dewinterjeroen at #INSAR23 including recommendations for education, clinical practice, research and policy…

I just attended a great #CRAEwebinar with @jorislechene about decolonialising autism and autism research. Hosted by @CRAE_IOE and a recording will hopefully be available soon at:… tw: racist and ableist language

#AskingAutistics Is your hyperempathy a good or a bad thing? Discuss

Being misgendered as an #ActuallyAutistic person: “It is hard to know intent and whether people are being knowingly disrespectful or just making a mistake” @YennPurkis

#AskingAutistics Is this something unique to being trans/enby and autistic?